Google Sheets

Send data from SQL to Google Sheets


Authorize the Google Sheets app here.

Add Google Sheets as a destination

  1. After writing a SQL statement that pulls the data you want, select Add destination in the right sidebar and scroll down to select Google Sheets.

  2. Select a Spreadsheet, Sheet, and cell. If the Sheet does not exist, select "" does not exist, add it?
    SeekWell will insert the new Sheet.

  3. Select Run.

  4. To set a schedule, select Click to set Schedule below Repeat.

Appending data

You can also append results, instead of replacing the prior results, by checking off "Append". A few things to note:

  • You need to start your data in A1. Use a formula if you need the data placed somewhere specific on another sheet (for example, put your daily data on daily!A1 then reference daily in your dashboard sheet as a formula).

  • You cannot have blank values in the first column.

  • Checking the append option omits column names. If you need an easy way to get all the column names, just write without the Append option first and copy the column names.

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